100 Men Who Give A Damn Saskatoon
If you are a guy who cares about your community…
If you want to be part of a powerful group of men that is committed to make a BIG impact….
If you want to mix and mingle with the community leaders of today and tomorrow…
If you want to learn more about the amazing work our local charities do…
If you want 100% of your donation to go directly to a local charity…
… then maybe you give a damn too.
We are men of all stripes and walks of life. We are stay at home fathers, white collar business men, blue collar tradesmen, farmers, business owners, and the list goes on. Most importantly, we are all men who give a damn.
Our understanding is that the concept for 100 Men Who Give A Damn was born in Halifax a few years ago and was fashioned after a group called 100 Women Who Care.
We're are a non-organization. We are not registered; we have no directors, officers or treasurer; we have no bank account because we don’t collect, spend or donate anything - it’s our members who make the donations. The group and its events are run on a budget of zero by a core team of big-hearted volunteers and with the assistance of some very generous sponsors.